robotic surgery procedures
procedures and summary
Robotic surgery is a minimally invasive alternative to some of today's most common surgical procedures. Some of the surgeries being performed include removal of endometriosis, ovarian cysts, fibroids and adhesions. Other surgeries performed using daVinci's robotic surgical techniques include hysterectomy, ovarian surgery for cancer, pelvic organ and floor prolapse and lymph node dissections.
the advantages
The main advantage of utilizing robotic surgery is to minimize open invasive surgery and minimize trauma. Most surgeries can be performed vaginally or involve the use of laparoscopic instruments. Laparoscopy allows observation of the surgical field through the use of an endoscope or similar device and is carried through small incisions in the skin allowing access to the abdomen or pelvis. The result is less recovery time, shorter hospital stays, less operative trauma, less scarring and decreases risk of post-surgical complications. Most procedures are considered to be mostly pain-free and at worst associated with mild discomfort.
FDA approved
The da Vinci Surgical System has been approved by the food and drug administration in 2005 and is one of the newest and most advanced technological breakthroughs in surgical procedures.
how it works
The da Vinci Robotic Surgical System consists of two interactive mechanical arms, 3D image console, remote control unit and a camera arm and is located in the same operating room as the patient receiving the surgery. The arms are controlled by surgeons via remote control and the arms mimic the surgeons hand movements identically and more precisely. The hand of the robot's arms hold interchangeable surgical tools that are moved in a similar manner as human wrists. A second surgeon is also in the operating room at the operating table to assist with changing the robotic tools.
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